October 8, 2024

Patient Section on HCP Website or Separate Website For Patients… What’s The Best Move?


The decision to have a standalone website for patients or include a patient section on a healthcare professional (HCP) website hinges on your goals, audience needs, and overall strategy. If you choose to build a separate site for patients, here are some important factors to consider:

1. Target Audience and User Experience

Designing a platform specifically for patients offers an opportunity to focus on simplicity, clarity, and engagement. You can avoid overwhelming visitors with complex medical terminology, providing a more welcoming space that speaks directly to their needs. Crafting a site that addresses a patient’s journey and concerns creates a user experience that feels personal and approachable.

2. Content Strategy

A standalone site lets you develop a content strategy that resonates entirely with patients. Educational resources, FAQs, interactive tools, support communities, and personal stories can all find a place here. By creating this supportive environment, you nurture a sense of connection and trust, which enhances the emotional bond between patients and your brand or treatment options.

3. SEO and Traffic Considerations

With a separate site, you can zero in on patient-centric keywords, optimizing for search queries that bring in relevant traffic. This approach allows for a focused SEO strategy, aiming at the specific concerns and questions that patients type into search engines. Over time, this can lead to higher search rankings and a more targeted audience reach.

4. Branding and Messaging

A dedicated patient website allows you to differentiate your messaging, adapting the tone and style to be more empathetic and supportive. This shift in voice helps in creating a distinct brand presence that speaks directly to the patient’s experiences, setting it apart from the technical communication aimed at HCPs. It’s a chance to humanize your brand, giving it a voice that feels genuine and compassionate.

5. Maintenance and Resources

Managing a separate website does come with its set of challenges. It requires resources for ongoing updates, content development, and technical maintenance. Costs may be higher for hosting and user experience optimization, but this investment can pay off by delivering a more focused and effective engagement with your patient audience.

6. Compliance and Privacy

Regulatory compliance, such as adhering to HIPAA, GDPR, or other standards, can often be more straightforward when managed through a patient-specific site. This structure allows you to build data capture and privacy protocols that are tailored to the needs of patient data, ensuring that sensitive information is handled with the utmost care.

7. Examples and Industry Trends

Industry leaders frequently create separate digital spaces for patients and HCPs to cater to their distinct needs. Major pharmaceutical brands like Pfizer, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson have long embraced this strategy. They carve out unique pathways for each audience, ensuring that both receive content and experiences designed with their specific expectations in mind.


If your goal is to craft a highly personalized, engaging experience that genuinely speaks to patients and meets them on their level, a separate website is the ideal choice. It lets you build a digital environment that feels like it was made exclusively for them, free from the technical language and focus that an HCP site demands. This strategy enables you to connect with patients in a way that’s not just informative but also empathetic and human.

Ultimately, weigh your goals, resources, and the specific needs of your audience. If uncertainty remains, consider testing or gathering direct feedback from both patients and HCPs. Their insights can guide your decision and help shape the most effective approach.

As a full-service digital marketing agency, EsperienzaRx knows the importance all the pieces of a brand’s digital ecosystem working together